

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Well.. I am Back..

Hi everybody.. I was busy wf my paper works these few days.. so I m lazy to maintainance my blog..
I will be a bit free for now.. Since now is year end, I will hv to organise and rearrange all my files and paper works.. tat is usual thing for my line of work..

c ya later.. dude.. wish me best of luck.. I will need to finish all my job before I head back to my beloved home town.. The Cat City.. haha.. Talking bout Cat City.. I am now watching Thundercats thru Youtube.. I love this cartoon series very much..

Check it out..

I will talk bout Thundercats next.. stay tuned.. boys n gals..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kuching.. The Cat City..

Mmm.. Kuching is a City in Sarawak.. The largest state in Malaysia.. It is also the only 2 in 1 City.. because Kuching City is divided into North Kuching City and South Kuching City.. North City is managed by Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara (DBKU) meanwhile South City is managed by Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan (MBKS)..

Kuching also mean Cat in Bahasa Malaysia (our national language).. To avoid sensitive issue or insult to ppl in Kuching.. The spelling for Kuching is changed to Kucing (in Bahasa Malaysia).. But the city keep the original spelling as Kuching City.. Why Kuching City is called Kuching?? I heard tat Kuching used to have tonnes of cats.. haha.. Believe it or not??

MBKS                                                  DBKU
North Kuching City Mayor is a Bumiputera and South Kuching City Mayor is a Chinese.. (Sorry.. I forget their names..) Kuching City is a nice place to stay.. I love the food, the environment, the ppl, the shopping complex, the roads, the houses etc.. because Kuching City is the place tat I called Home Sweet Home.. Kuching City is my beloved Hometown.. Yeah!!!

Unfortunately, I do not work in Kuching City.. but I work in Miri City.. another city in Sarawak.. aka Tourism City.. I back to my Kuching 4 times a year..

 South Kuching City Landmark
 North Kuching City Landmark

Suddenly miss my Hometown.. I will be back this November.. haha..

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Last nite I watched 1992 Thomas Cup Final where Malaysia became the Champion on Youtube.. Bring back millions of memories..

Compare to now.. Badminton evolves like any other things on this Blue Planet.. I can see lot of improvement on the skills n technics.. including the hairstyle n out-fit design.. haha..

So today when I go for badminton.. I was pretty energetic.. (mayb because yesterday I didnt work out too much at the gym since there was fogging activity).. I played quite good I must say so myself.. haha .. (show off..)..

Anyway.. Feeling sleepy at the moment.. planned to hit the bed n join the cruise to Dreamland.. c ya.. Good nite n hav a nice rest.. A big day tomorrow.. Oh ya.. I need to go to Temple early morning tmw..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today is 2010.2010..

Today is a special day.. 20 Oct 2010 = 20.10.2010 = 2010.2010.. jz after 10 days from 10 Oct 2010 = 10.10.10..

I wonder wad special n memorable date will come again after this.. 2010 still left almost 2 month plus to go..
Suddenly feel like sad when thinking of Time Passing By like Speeding Arrow..

This year also is the year tat I really get into Toys Collection.. I spend over RM 300 for buying toys.. It is my new hobby.. I hope I can maintain it.. I will display all of them in my room when my room is done.. Now most of them just stay in darkness (inside my toy box).. only the new one n my favourite r with me at the moment..

Ok la.. Need to hav my "Beauty Sleep".. haha.. c ya..


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Smoking.. Please Quit It..

Smoking is good or bad?? If it is bad for health, then why ppl still smoking.. even though the price of cigarettes increase time after time.. This doesnt stop ppl from buying cigarettes n smoke..

As parents.. we know smoking is not good.. then why still let our kids smoke?? Some smoker owes said they smoke for too long so cant quit the smoking habit.. Is tat a Fact?? or just ur own Opinion??

Government owes organise campaign to make sure citizen realise the "dark" side of smoking such as "Say No to Smoking".. or increase cigarettes price.. but this is useless.. it doesnt take any affect at all.. NONE..

If the government is so keen to stop make the country free from smoke then Why cigarettes are still being sold all over the country??

I don get it.. This is my own opimion.. I m not rejecting smoker or insult smoker.. No.. I dont.. I got lots of smoker frens too.. but they don smoke in front of me cos they know I cant stand the smoke..  I will cough..
I appreciate tat.. I respect them..

I hope smokers can quit this habit.. for the sake of ur own health.. I don wan to c my frens get sick cos of smoking..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why people like to burn??

Today I saw an enormous black cloud.. I tot it is going to rain.. when I look carefully.. Tat is not cloud..
Tat is Smoke!!!

People tat plant Oil Palm.. clear the forest then burn the trees.. plus today is really very hot too..
Besides tat.. people also like to burn the rubbish.. papers.. sticks.. making the environment hotter n full of smoke..

Why nobody come to check?? What is the authorities doing?? We always see ppl say "Save our planet".. but then come and see for urself..

Everyday burn burn burn.. only rainy day.. there are no burning activities.. not because they don wan to burn.. it is because the rain puts out the fire.. haha..

Honestly speaking.. ppl from cities will not do burning activities.. those burning activities are mostly in rural areas.. like in small village.. forest.. jungle..