

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Smoking.. Please Quit It..

Smoking is good or bad?? If it is bad for health, then why ppl still smoking.. even though the price of cigarettes increase time after time.. This doesnt stop ppl from buying cigarettes n smoke..

As parents.. we know smoking is not good.. then why still let our kids smoke?? Some smoker owes said they smoke for too long so cant quit the smoking habit.. Is tat a Fact?? or just ur own Opinion??

Government owes organise campaign to make sure citizen realise the "dark" side of smoking such as "Say No to Smoking".. or increase cigarettes price.. but this is useless.. it doesnt take any affect at all.. NONE..

If the government is so keen to stop make the country free from smoke then Why cigarettes are still being sold all over the country??

I don get it.. This is my own opimion.. I m not rejecting smoker or insult smoker.. No.. I dont.. I got lots of smoker frens too.. but they don smoke in front of me cos they know I cant stand the smoke..  I will cough..
I appreciate tat.. I respect them..

I hope smokers can quit this habit.. for the sake of ur own health.. I don wan to c my frens get sick cos of smoking..


  1. If i now mistaken, government still selling cigarettes because of MONEY...i think is the TAX or what so ever i not sure that benefit them.

  2. If tat so.. then it seems like "slapping ur own butt wf ur own hands".. haha..

  3. Smokers who stop smoking not only benefit themselves, but also people around them, esp. their loved ones.
