

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Well.. I am Back..

Hi everybody.. I was busy wf my paper works these few days.. so I m lazy to maintainance my blog..
I will be a bit free for now.. Since now is year end, I will hv to organise and rearrange all my files and paper works.. tat is usual thing for my line of work..

c ya later.. dude.. wish me best of luck.. I will need to finish all my job before I head back to my beloved home town.. The Cat City.. haha.. Talking bout Cat City.. I am now watching Thundercats thru Youtube.. I love this cartoon series very much..

Check it out..

I will talk bout Thundercats next.. stay tuned.. boys n gals..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kuching.. The Cat City..

Mmm.. Kuching is a City in Sarawak.. The largest state in Malaysia.. It is also the only 2 in 1 City.. because Kuching City is divided into North Kuching City and South Kuching City.. North City is managed by Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara (DBKU) meanwhile South City is managed by Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan (MBKS)..

Kuching also mean Cat in Bahasa Malaysia (our national language).. To avoid sensitive issue or insult to ppl in Kuching.. The spelling for Kuching is changed to Kucing (in Bahasa Malaysia).. But the city keep the original spelling as Kuching City.. Why Kuching City is called Kuching?? I heard tat Kuching used to have tonnes of cats.. haha.. Believe it or not??

MBKS                                                  DBKU
North Kuching City Mayor is a Bumiputera and South Kuching City Mayor is a Chinese.. (Sorry.. I forget their names..) Kuching City is a nice place to stay.. I love the food, the environment, the ppl, the shopping complex, the roads, the houses etc.. because Kuching City is the place tat I called Home Sweet Home.. Kuching City is my beloved Hometown.. Yeah!!!

Unfortunately, I do not work in Kuching City.. but I work in Miri City.. another city in Sarawak.. aka Tourism City.. I back to my Kuching 4 times a year..

 South Kuching City Landmark
 North Kuching City Landmark

Suddenly miss my Hometown.. I will be back this November.. haha..

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Last nite I watched 1992 Thomas Cup Final where Malaysia became the Champion on Youtube.. Bring back millions of memories..

Compare to now.. Badminton evolves like any other things on this Blue Planet.. I can see lot of improvement on the skills n technics.. including the hairstyle n out-fit design.. haha..

So today when I go for badminton.. I was pretty energetic.. (mayb because yesterday I didnt work out too much at the gym since there was fogging activity).. I played quite good I must say so myself.. haha .. (show off..)..

Anyway.. Feeling sleepy at the moment.. planned to hit the bed n join the cruise to Dreamland.. c ya.. Good nite n hav a nice rest.. A big day tomorrow.. Oh ya.. I need to go to Temple early morning tmw..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today is 2010.2010..

Today is a special day.. 20 Oct 2010 = 20.10.2010 = 2010.2010.. jz after 10 days from 10 Oct 2010 = 10.10.10..

I wonder wad special n memorable date will come again after this.. 2010 still left almost 2 month plus to go..
Suddenly feel like sad when thinking of Time Passing By like Speeding Arrow..

This year also is the year tat I really get into Toys Collection.. I spend over RM 300 for buying toys.. It is my new hobby.. I hope I can maintain it.. I will display all of them in my room when my room is done.. Now most of them just stay in darkness (inside my toy box).. only the new one n my favourite r with me at the moment..

Ok la.. Need to hav my "Beauty Sleep".. haha.. c ya..


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Smoking.. Please Quit It..

Smoking is good or bad?? If it is bad for health, then why ppl still smoking.. even though the price of cigarettes increase time after time.. This doesnt stop ppl from buying cigarettes n smoke..

As parents.. we know smoking is not good.. then why still let our kids smoke?? Some smoker owes said they smoke for too long so cant quit the smoking habit.. Is tat a Fact?? or just ur own Opinion??

Government owes organise campaign to make sure citizen realise the "dark" side of smoking such as "Say No to Smoking".. or increase cigarettes price.. but this is useless.. it doesnt take any affect at all.. NONE..

If the government is so keen to stop make the country free from smoke then Why cigarettes are still being sold all over the country??

I don get it.. This is my own opimion.. I m not rejecting smoker or insult smoker.. No.. I dont.. I got lots of smoker frens too.. but they don smoke in front of me cos they know I cant stand the smoke..  I will cough..
I appreciate tat.. I respect them..

I hope smokers can quit this habit.. for the sake of ur own health.. I don wan to c my frens get sick cos of smoking..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why people like to burn??

Today I saw an enormous black cloud.. I tot it is going to rain.. when I look carefully.. Tat is not cloud..
Tat is Smoke!!!

People tat plant Oil Palm.. clear the forest then burn the trees.. plus today is really very hot too..
Besides tat.. people also like to burn the rubbish.. papers.. sticks.. making the environment hotter n full of smoke..

Why nobody come to check?? What is the authorities doing?? We always see ppl say "Save our planet".. but then come and see for urself..

Everyday burn burn burn.. only rainy day.. there are no burning activities.. not because they don wan to burn.. it is because the rain puts out the fire.. haha..

Honestly speaking.. ppl from cities will not do burning activities.. those burning activities are mostly in rural areas.. like in small village.. forest.. jungle..

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cat Woman in Real Life Action.. on the Roof..

I saw Cat Woman on the Roof this afternoon.. 1200noon..

Haha.. No no.. She is not as SEXY as the one in the movie like the picture above..
The Cat Woman tat I saw wear a different costume.. Pink T-shirt and Hawaii short pant.. Hilarious.. haha..

The Cat Woman saw her prey on the roof..

 She climbs up wf lightning speed like a cat..

She walks light n soft on the roof like a experience cat towards her prey..

Her weapon is not a Whip.. but old newspapers and a plastic beg..

She successfully capture her prey in a jiffy.. look at her face.. she smiles happy..

This is my interesting encounter wf a Real Life Cat Woman on the roof.. Luckily I run away before she has the chance to KILL me..

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gym.. my training place..

I started to go for gym April 2010.. The gym is very old.. most of the equipments were rusty and out-dated..
Anyway.. I don mind bout tat.. My goal is to build up my muscle.. haha..
(Actually.. going to gym.. means I can hide inside the roof.. I no need to scare rain or sun..)

I go to gym.. 6 days a week.. 1 day is for badminton.. haha.. I am very "FIT".. haha..

There are 4 work out machine like this in the gym.. but 2 already spoiled..

 "The Big One"

This is the equipment that I love to use..

I used to use dumb bell to train my biceps.. now I am using the "The Big One" to train..

This is me.. haha..

haha.. My biceps are not tat HUGE.. just a bit only..

Haiz.. Exam is very Difficult..

This morning.. both papers were very difficult.. I squeezed my brain to figure the answer.. all the answers r similar..

Mayb I didnt study hard enough.. tat is why I cant really manage to find the answer.. so I just take out my "M-16" and shoot.. hope can get some bulls-eyes..

Good luck to me.. I hope I can get A for both papers.. Dream or Reality?? I need to wait until this year end to know the result..

Friday, October 15, 2010

Exam Tomorrow..

I am studying for my Exam tomorrow.. I hope everything will going smoothly.. But feel lazy to study.. haha..
Lazy worm is trying to draw me to laziness again..

haha.. don worry.. My will power is stronger.. wish me luck tmw.. jia you to myself..

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hot Day.. Hot Night..

Since this morning.. the surrounding is very hot.. no wind.. no wet air.. just heat.. sun shine..
even by now.. at nite.. still hot as Hell..

Luckily I have 2 trusty table fans to help keep my laptop n myself cool.. haha..
U wanna know how i feel rite now?? I'm on Fire...
Hope don Black Out.. no electric means no fans.. then OH NO!!!


I just back frm my routine badminton session wf my frens.. today my performance was quite ok.. not out of shape like on this tuesday..

I notice tat the most durable badminton racket is from Yonex.. Y i said so?? One of my friend was not satisfy wf his performance on the court n throw the racket as far 5 meters.. the racket is still functional..

Last thursday.. one of my usual friend play badminton wf me.. his Li Ning badminton racket broken after knock wf Yonex racket.. Li Ning racket cost RM230.. n not more than 6 month.. haha..

I x lie to u.. u can clearly see the Li Ning logo.. the "L" at the bottom of the photo..

Sorry hor.. I m not promoting for Yonex or give bad name to Li Ning.. I just tell u want I encounter on the Badminton court..

Marie Digby is a talented Youtube Singer..

I 1st encounter wf her home made singing video on Youtube around end of october 2009.. She is nice to look at.. her singing is beautiful n she can play guitar very well.. (better than me..haha)

U can search for her video at Youtube.. just type Marie Digby.. she has a Channel over there..

I like her song "Say It Again".. very easy going n comfortable song.. U must be thinking tat Im her fan.. but honestly speaking.. I just like her song.. pls don get me wrong.. ok.. haa..

If u somehow go to Youtube.. just go over to watch ur video.. u might like her song.. 

Do u feel tat we r alike?? haha.. (Dreaming..)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Do U know Marie Digby??

before i crash to bed n ZZZzzzz..
I would like to ask u.. Do u know Marie Digby??

Lets talk bout her.. mayb tomorrow..

My 1st n 2nd follower..

haha.. Today is my memorable day.. I finally  hv my own  follower after 5 days of blog-ing.. 10x for being supportive.. u r the best la..

Hope more to come in the future.. I will update my blog as frequent as possible,, I will put up anything tat i thk is interesting.. mayb it is about myself.. about my works.. about my surrounding.. about somebody etc.. haha..

Stay Tuned for more.. c ya..

Do u know who is this?? haha.. one of my childwood favourite cartoon character.. haha

Going to sleep lo..

Everybody good nite n sleep tight..
Dont let the bed bug bites..
Sweet dreams..
C u tomorrow

Action Cape Batman - Dark Knight

This my latest collection.. Action Cape Batman.. TA.. DA..

He is my tallest toy at the time being.. He is 13 inches tall.. Taller than my 10 inches ROTF LC Optimus Prime..

As u can see, his cape can be retracted into his backpack at the back.. U just rotate his left arm backward to do so..Now Batman is Cape-less..

This is his backpack tat store the cape.. To reveal his cape again, u  just press the button on his 6 pack / stomach..

His articulation is very very limited.. u cant hv much pose wf him.. but his detailing is WOW.. inch by inch.. nicely done.. especially his head..

The other play point of this toy is his right arm is spring loaded and it is use for throwing his bat-boomerang.. 

Overall his is a nice statue.. cos u cant pose him like an action figure..

EMSIA - RealType Color Gundam RX-78-2

Another Show Off Time.. haha..
Today I am going to show u see my One and Only Gundam Figurine.. tat is Extended Mobile Suit In Action (EMSIA)- RealType Color Gundam RX-78-2..

Bandai (one of the most successful toys company of Japan) already stop to produce Mobile Suit In Action (MSIA) line of toys.. They changed to Robot Damashii (Robot Soul) line.. This Robo Damashii line not only produce Gundam characters but also produce lot of other Mecha anime characters such as super robot in anime Knight Mare Frame, Evangelion etc..

Gundam RX-78-2 is the main character in the 1st Gundam anime "Mobile Suit Gundam 0079".. or in other words.. He is the Father of All Gundams.. haha..

If u r a gundam fans or u seen gundam before, u might notice the color is different.. Gundam's color mostly are white, blue, yellow, red (Malaysia Flag's color).. but my gundam is black, dark green, red, orange in color.. tat is why this is called RealType Color..

One more thing about this figure is he is not MSIA line but Extended MSIA.. so it means his paint application, articulation, detailing, accessories are better than MSIA..

He comes wf lots accesories such as.. 3 sets of hands (trigger hands, open hands, close hands), 2 beam sabers, 1 beam rifle, 1 hyper bazooka, 1 beam javelin, 1 chained hammer, 1 chained hammer wf spikes, 1 zaku's head, 1 zaku's mouth piece, 1 cutted zaku arm, 1 beam rifle hanger, 1 hyper bazooka hanger.. wow.. he is definately loaded wf accessories.. I love it..

He has awesome articulation from the head to toe.. U can pose him in a variety of ways.. especially when u re-create the scene in the anime..

Here are the chained hammer and chained hammer wf spikes..

This is wad I mean by his articulation is awesome.. He can even do KungFu high kick n standing wf 1 leg..

See how nice the paint application n the detailing..

He looks very powerful wf his beam rifle n hyper bazooka..

He is a classic and unique figure.. I hope I can get another RX-78-2 wf the original color..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nothing to do on Internet..

Suddenly do kno what to do on Internet.. Only check on Facebook.. and Youtube.. my eye lids r very heavy now.. need to put toothpick to hold them up.. haha..

I thk i just offline and watch one episode of Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 before i crash on bed to ZZZzzzzz....

C ya tmw..


I hv a Youtube channel.. username is 78ken78

I posted quite some video reviews on my toy collection.. I dig up my old toys n do reviews on them.. I also do reviews on my new toys.. since Im a budget collector.. tat means I only buy my toys when there is sales or clearance on toys.. so my collection is not as Massive as other ppl..

Anyway.. I collect toys for my hobby.. I started it 2 years ago.. (2008).. I thk collecting toys better than gambling, smoking or even drinking.. haha.. (my own opinion..)

Come to my Youtube channel.. let's join in the world of Toys..

Indomie same as Ibumie or not????

This morning I heard it in the radio.. some product's preservative is not suitable for eating.. I don know which brand n wad product..

Just now I saw it on FB.. one of the product is Indomie's Mi Goreng.. Wad The.... !! Wait a minute.. I didnt eat Indomie for ages.. I only eat Ibumie.. U can never find any Indomie in Malaysia anymore..

So now the question is.. Indomie same as Ibumie or not?? Gosh.. I still hv 5 packets of Ibumie Mee Sup Soto and Chicken Bawang.. and I ate 5 packets in the past 3 weeks.. cos lazy to go out to eat..

I can consider poor when I was in school days.. So Maggi mee, Indomie / Ibumie used to be my favourite food.. (I still eat instant noodles from time to time.. haha..).. I know I know.. preservative is not good for health.. I still remember Master Q (Lao Fu Zi) comic.. one the story was Master Q eat too much instant noodle.. so after he died for 1000 yr.. his body is still nicely preserve.. haha..

I do not eat instant noodle very often la.. don worry.. anyway.. I hope Ibumie is not the same wf Indomie.. if they are the same.. if they use unsafe preservative.. then i hope they will collect back their product and pay money back.. I wonder how much will I get for 5 packet of Ibumie.. haha..

Very Tired Now..

Back from work.. Eat lunch.. Bath..
Now feel sleepy.. Later wan to go office..
Evening go badminton for recreation purpose..

Tonite need to study n do my paper works.. I must.. haha..
C u again tonite..

Monday, October 11, 2010

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class Optimus Prime

I just wanna show off my 1st Transformers Toy - Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class Optimus Prime by Hasbro..

He is also my 1st Optimus Prime. He stands 10 inches tall. The detailing of him is very nice and precise. He looks more movie accurate compare to the 1st release Optimus Prime toy back in 2007 for the 1st Transformers movie. Oh ya. He came out in 2009 tat is when the 2nd Transformers movie in cinema.

His articulation is awesome n splendid. I can hv him pose in tonnes of variety of ways.. I love it very much.. With his big swords, he looks even more fearsome.

Unlike the Takara Tomy version - Buster Optimus Prime, this Hasbro version did not come with his signature cannon blaster tat made from his oil tank. The Japanese version is definately nicer in terms of paint application. What to do?? I only can find Hasbro version in ToysRus.

Even without the cannon blaster, he is still look very stunning n gorgeous. He is now my Top Favourite toy.
Oh ya. One thing I prefer the Hasbro version is he comes with the face plat. The classical look of a True Optimus Prime. The Takara version shows his face. But I heard the later version of Takara Optimus Prime do come with the face plat.

He also comes with lights n sounds. His eyes n chest light up. He speaks "I'm Optimus Prime" when u push down the level on his belly. He gives the Truck idle sound when in truck mode. When u untab or tab in the waist during the transformation, u can have the famous Transformation sound.

He also got the mecha-alive features which is the inner structure thing such as bone or gears that u can see them moves. You can see this feature on the arms and the chest.


He can transform into Peter Bilt Truck (model 389). In front of the truck, u can see the Autobot symbol.

The truck mode has nice paint application especially the flames pattern on the truck. Every little detail is there such the translucent head n rear lights, the tyres, the smokes stakes, the oil tanks, the air filter etc..
For those who also collect toys, we can share our interesting find and facts..

come to my Youtube channel, 78ken78 to watch the video review on him..